Insurance Need to Know's

Insurance Need to Know's

Health insurance vs Supplemental insurance

As most of us know, major medical insurance companies are known to cover the cost of hospital visits for an injured person. This means that the establishment (the hospital) gets paid for your immediate care. However, unfortunately in most cases due to said injury, the patient has likely missed time at work. So, let's evaluate the facts.

While in recovery, said patient has experienced a depreciation in their usual income, and has simultaneously accumulated more expenses within that time frame. With health insurance, this individual is still responsible for:

  • Deductibles
  • Co-Insurance
  • Potential prescription costs
  • And standing daily-monthly expenses.

Contrarily, Supplemental insurance pays claims directly to the policyholder with no specification on your financial delegations. Of course one should act with integrity regardless! Consider M.U.G.S: Mortgage, Utilities, Gas and Stuff : )

These funds are supplied to said patient with the intention of easing the financial burdens that accompany those unexpected trips to the hospital. Even better, this resource is available to: the currently insured and the uninsured, on both an individual or business owner basis. Your agent gets YOU paid so that you may focus on your healing. Supplemental insurance companies do NOT pay the establishment.


Affordability & The Trust Factor: 

Your consultation for benefits is ALWAYS FREE. During your appointment expect to discuss in detail the options that are available and properly aligned with your needs. Supplemental insurance policies range from $3 to $12 a week. For a mental picture, let’s take the median between those numbers which is $7.50. Before we move further, consider what you spend $7.50 on every week. Coffee, perhaps? Snacks? Now, let’s multiply that weekly expense of $7.50 by 4 to get an approximation for your monthly expenses. That total would be $30 a month.

Before I got my certification in this industry, I personally had no idea that such resources were available. This was a major contributing factor in my decision to pursue Life & Supplemental insurance. If I had no idea, how many other people were and are unaware of the help that’s available? What can I do to change that?

The mission of an integral agent is to understand what your needs are, answer your queries and offer you an affordable solution to your nonnegotiable's. They should only make an offer that fits your budget and gives you peace of mind because as the client your best interest is of the utmost importance. Additionally, it is important to understand that you get paid when claims are made! To avoid error, it is imperative to contact your agent regarding claims rather than doing it alone.

Coverage for individuals:

  • Term and Whole Life Insurance
  • Cancer Coverage
  • Accident Coverage
  • Critical Illness Coverage

Coverage for business owners:

  • Accident Coverage
  • Cancer Coverage
  • Critical Illness Coverage
  • Hospital Indemnity
  • Short Term Disability
  • Term and Whole Life insurance
  • Dental & Vision

Each package has the option to add a spouse and up to two beneficiaries. Details and eligibility for all policies will be further discussed during your appointment.

What should I expect next?

Once you've walked through your Free Consultation, your agent will make recommendation(s). A follow up appointment should be scheduled so you may begin the account authorization process. A calendar invite to confirm the date and time of the follow-up should be emailed separately with the important notes from your consultation.



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